Wednesday, August 31, 2011 Look: Celebrity Crushin'
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Movie Review: Friends with Benefits
It's hard not to like "Friends with Benefits", especially if you're a sucker for Mila Kunis and naked male butts like I am. Yes. You get to see Justin's sexy naked male butt in this. And his sexy abs. He's looking great. Yum.
via Sassy Mama in LA
ANYways… Aside from that, though, it was a little hard for me to decide whether this is in the hit or miss category. For one, I love the cast, the dialogue, the music, the cameos and the way everyone talks so fast, it's like they're trying to run towards a finish line aka the end of the movie.
But, on the other hand, I've already seen a movie with an incredibly similar storyline that I absolutely LOVED to bits - and, let's face it: in my eyes, "No Strings Attached" cannot be won over (which, coincidentally enough, stars the other half of "Black Swan", Natalie Portman). Not even by something that includes Justin's sexy naked male butt.
via K8
Anyway, what I probably hated the most about this rom-com is that it tries to poke fun at other rom-coms while being an actual rom-com itself. (Did that make sense?) I mean, in the beginning, they're making fun of Hollywood movies and how life isn't like that, so they decide to go against the norm and become friends with benefits. And then, all of a sudden, they try to turn their own lives into a Hollywood movie? What? I just didn't get it. I don't know. Maybe it's just me.
And another thing: it was far too long for a regular rom-com. Rom-coms are supposed to be light and funny and over-before-I-get-sick-of-it-please. This one lasted 100+ minutes. Wow.
But never mind all that. Did I mention that you'll get to see Justin's sexy naked male butt in this? Coz you'll get to see Justin's sexy naked male butt in this. Mmmm…
Overall rating: 3.5 stars out of 5 (an extra .5 coz of Justin's butt).
P.S. There are outtakes at the very end of the credits, but nothing worth waiting for.
Monday, August 29, 2011
The Harry Potter Experience in One Word
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Lancome Beauty Workshop

Maricar, taking pictures
The beauty workshop consisted of a 411 on how to prep your face for makeup and how to apply makeup - things that Cosmo magazine had already taught me through the years - so what I really focused on instead was the different Lancome products that they used. Since they passed the products around for us to test on our skin, I was actually able to find out whether the products were something I'd actually want to use myself before shelling out any money on them.
Ms. Cari Co-Choa wasn't just pretty; she was helpful, too
Although I almost instantly decided that I'm not quite fond of the smell of Lancome products, in general, I was quite blown away by two particular products: the Lancome Genefique and the vibrating power mascara.
via Lancome
The Lancome Genefique is a youth-activating serum that works as a skin renewal booster, so to speak. Basically, while it usually takes about a week for our skin to renew itself and to produce youth proteins, the Lancome Genefique can speed up the process and leave us with younger-looking and younger-feeling skin in almost an instant. Plus, it leaves the skin moisturized, hydrated and soft.
When they passed the tube around for us to try, I put a couple of drops onto the back of my hand and a few seconds later, I could already feel the difference. My left hand was silky smooth and supple and reminded me of my baby daughter back home, while my right hand was left a little drier and a bit rougher. In fact, I just felt my hands just now… It's Monday, and my left hand still feels softer. Seriously.
via Lancome
As for Lancome's vibrating powermascara - need I say more? Usually, when I put on mascara, I have to jiggle the mascara wand on my eyelashes before I spread it on properly. Well, with the vibrating mascara, there is no need to do that anymore - perfect for lazy tech lovers like me. :) It also happens to be water-resistant, heat-resistant, humidity-resistant, and smudge-resistant. Wow!
Anyway, after the event, we were given the chance to take a skin test - and, my God, was I worried! I know I neglected my skin for more than a year while I was pregnant and shortly afterwards, so I knew it wouldn't look good. Well, guess what? It really didn't.
My pores were wide open, my eyes already had a few fine lines and wrinkles showing and my skin was slightly dehydrated. :( The good news is that the firmness of my skin was above excellent. Woot! Go, genes, go! Haha.
Maricar, getting her skin tested
I would highly recommend the skin test. It will truly open your eyes to the flaws that you actually need to focus on. Try visiting any Lancome booth and ask whether they have it available. :)
And, oh, while waiting in line for our skin test, we met a sweet little girl (yeah, right! Haha.) named Mara who approached us because she fell in love with Maricar's nails. Check out her nails here - so pretty!
Mara, getting her skin tested
When Maricar left, I ended up spending another 3 hours or so at MOA just talking to Mara. I love just randomly meeting people who are exactly like me. Makes me feel all happy inside. :) Will definitely invite Maricar and Mara along to the next beauty event that I go to.
Of course, the beauty workshop wouldn't have been complete without a goodie bag - and we got a loofa, a discount voucher and testers for several Lancome products, including the Genefique. Yay!
We also got a 10% discount card for Lancome products that could be used that day, but with my Dublin trip coming up… I didn't think I could splurge on Lancome just yet. Thank goodness for freebies! Haha. Will review these when I get the chance.
And, oh, if you know of any must-attend events coming up soon, please share! :)
Movie News: The New Look of Superman
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Movie Review: Hesher Look: Dive In
Friday, August 26, 2011
Mommy Lessons: On Sick Babies and Spew
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Mommy Scare: A 39.5C Fever
Tuesday, August 23, 2011 Look: Someone Else's Skin
Monday, August 22, 2011
AAA Thrift
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Free Lancome Beauty Workshop
Upcoming Movie Alert: The Woman in Black
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Haul: Forever 21 Sale
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Sale Alert: Forever 21 + Regatta
Movie Review: Midnight in Paris
Nostalgia is denial - denial of the painful present... the name for this denial is golden age thinking - the erroneous notion that a different time period is better than the one one's living in. It's a flaw in the romantic imagination of those people who find it difficult to cope with the present. - Paul, Midnight in Paris
Photo taken from Bonjour Paris
Who doesn't love Woody Allen movies? I know I do. Well, 'Midnight in Paris' has easily made it into my top 5 Woody Allen movies, which also includes 'Annie Hall', 'Hannah and Her Sisters', 'Match Point', and 'Vicky Cristina Barcelona'.
In 'Midnight in Paris', Owen Wilson plays a guy named Gil who is set to marry Inez (Rachel McAdams). They travel to Paris before the wedding, a city that Gil absolutely loves (who doesn't, really?); but once they get there, they start realizing that they have nothing in common. At all.
Photo taken from Just Jared
Mistakenly described as a "romantic comedy" - or rom-com, for short - this movie actually gives its viewers a much deeper look at how people are somehow wired to be unhappy with their current lives - and it's true. Ask anybody you know whether they would rather live in an era gone past, and most of them will say yes.
Of course, I might just be biased because I agree with Owen Wilson and everything he says in the movie. :p And with Owen Wilson and Rachel McAdams reunited after 'The Wedding Crashers', I simply could not resist watching this.
That Paris exists and anyone could choose to live anywhere else in the world will always be a mystery to me. - Adriana, Midnight in Paris
Photo taken from The Jetshopper
Of course, during the movie, some emphasis is set on the beautiful sights and sounds of Paris during the day, at night and in the rain (I mean, who could resist filming there without capturing the sights, right?), but the story mostly focuses on the lives of some of the most famous artists of the 1920's, which Gil refers to as 'the golden age'.
Ernest Hemingway, for one, makes an appearance, along with F. Scott Fitzgerald (played by Tom Hiddleston from 'Thor' fame) and Zelda Fitzgerald (played by Alison Pill from 'Scott Pilgrim' fame). Gertrude Stein and Salvador Dali (apparently pronounced da-lee as opposed to dahlia) played by Kathy Bates and Adrien Brody, respectively. And, of course, there is Marion Cotillard who plays Adriana, Pablo Picasso's alleged muse for his painting. T.S. Eliot and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec also make appearances; though, sadly, Vincent Van Gogh does not. (What’s Starry Starry Night doing on the poster, then??)
Now, if none of the names I just mentioned ring a bell to you, you might find yourself completely lost while watching this movie and might not even enjoy it. My boyfriend kept asking me 'Who?', 'Who?', 'Whooo???' every time I reacted when someone legendary popped up, so… If you aren't a big fan of the arts, you might want to skip this movie and watch something else instead.
But back to being unhappy with our current lives… it's sort of true, isn't it? Don't you wish you were born in a different era/place/lifetime? Share your thoughts! :)