Thursday, August 23, 2012 Look: Gossip Girl

For lack of a better word, today was "interesting". I went to an event where I didn't really know a lot of the people, but they knew me. And these weren't even people who were around my age; they were significantly older.

Let's rewind a lil bit before I continue. I have a massive girl crush on Anya Ong and she was at the Surf event the other night. I kind of freaked out and started fanning myself with my hands, looked at Verge across the room and mouthed "OH MY GOD. IT'S MY CRUSH."

Okay. Forward back to earlier today. A mommy blogger walked in and commented on how "girly" I looked. I assumed the girly girl project was working. But then, a bit later, somebody asked me if the female friend that I brought to the event was my girlfriend!

After that, questions started streaming in regarding whether I got my undercut to portray "my sexuality" and *wait for it* what it's like to be a "lesbian single mom".



Gossip. I don't even know how it starts sometimes. I'm assuming some gossip girl read my mouth when I silently screamed to Verge... but really? Wow.

Anyway, here's another girly girl project outfit that went to waste coz I didn't get to see my crush that day:

white "le moustache" shirt from J'adore La Mode Shop
black sunglasses from Hang Ten
silver bangles from Bangkok

black leather chain bag from Mango

black skeleton shoes from Sophisticat Shoes

Don't you just love my shoes? Will blog about them in a separate blog post very soon! :D

Anyway, just to make it clear: yes, I am a single mom. But I am straight. STRAIGHT. STRAIIIIIIGHT. I like men. Preferably with chinky eyes. And glasses. And dimples. I occasionally have girl crushes, sure - but that's as far as it goes. And trust me: I'm not the only girl with girl crushes. Get over it.



  1. Lesbian? Lol. I think all girls may girl crush din naman. Wait, where did you get the skort? It's cute :p

  2. Madam, do you have a license and registration for those shoes? Those are deadly hehe :))

  3. They really asked you that?! WOAH. That was rude. :s

    Love what you're wearing btw Angel! So pretty! :)

  4. Oh I love the shoes!


  5. love your mustache shirt! =) I WANT!


  6. Winnie Cordero ang heels mo! Lovet!

  7. It's all in the shirt. Love the mustache.

  8. Haha.. There are really crazy gossips such as that! Anyway, you look so fab and I love your killer skeleton shoes! :D Btw, I saw you in Italianni's Gateway last week. I think we somehow had eye contact, I was just unsure if I should greet you from afar 'cause you were seated on another table. Hope to see you again soon though, and "officially" meet you with a greeting ^^

    Btw, I'm inviting you and your readers to join my giveaways~
    The Purple Doll's 1k Facebook Likes Giveaway
    Chef's Noodle P1000 GC Giveaway
    Win tickets to Food & Drinks Asia and Asia Food Expo 2012

  9. Your HEELS!! I want. :) Amazing!!

    xx Diana

  10. killer shoes! ahh... i like that! nice skirt, too!

    Anyway, I'm inviting you to my Pink Fashion Grand Launch
    Hope to see you there on September 20!

    It’s a GIRL Thing

  11. Haha! :) Yes, Angel..girls have girl crushes too!!!! Hope this outfit helped clear the confusion about your sexuality! It screams.. "I'm a girl!" Haha! girly girl project working!
