Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Why You Should Shop for a Nokia Lumia at Abenson

Most people nowadays opt for Samsung or Apple smartphones when looking for a new mobile phone. However, every now and then, Nokia comes out with a new mobile phone that I end up staring at and debating about until I end up getting it myself.

Aside from being available in my favorite color (yellow!), the fact that the Nokia Lumia 620, Nokia Lumia 820 and Nokia Lumia 920 come with the following benefits is making me think that maybe I should get one as a second phone:

The best part is that Abenson has some great packages available for the aforementioned Nokia Lumia phones right now, so you can pay a small amount every month and end up with an awesome phone in your hands right away:

Tempting, huh? I am definitely debating whether a second phone is a good idea for me right now or not. What do you think? Are second phones necessary in today's day and age?

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