Thursday, August 8, 2013

Live Your Own Life.

Do you ever feel like you want to live somebody else's life? Perhaps you want to be as sexy, as beautiful, as popular, as famous or as talented as somebody else? Well, if there's one thing I've learned in my censored amount of years of life so far; it's that you will never find true happiness if you keep aiming to be like somebody else. :)

Here's an outfit post on what I wore on a lunch and movie date with Gerd - who, as always, patiently took my photos that day. Thank you, bubba! :)

mullet skirt from Sarah Tirona

Been reading "Game of Thrones" ever since I finished watching season 3. Wore this red skirt for HOUSE LANNISTER. REPRESENT!!!

May I just point out that bars are clearly my current favorite things, thanks to barre3? Haha. Spot my barely-there-but-come-on-they're-there-right? arm muscles. *grunt*

tribal top from Copper
black studded leather bag from Ensembles

crown ring from House of Luxe
infinity ring from Wear Mauve
nude lipstick from Maybelline

Maybelline lippies are absolute love and this is my favorite nude lipstick by far. I actually lost the first one that I had and ended up going crazy the day after looking for the same shade. Good thing I found it! :)

As for the rings... KING JOFFREY REPRESENT!!! Ahem... Don't judge me.

black and gold studded bracelet from House of Luxe
black Prada-inspired sunglasses from House of Luxe

black studded boots from SM Parisian

My motto for 2013 has always been: "If God doesn't want it to happen, let it be." It was prolly not meant for you. While I sometimes lapse into crazy mode when something doesn't go my way, a slight reminder to myself to just "let it be" *cue The Beatles* brings me back into normal, if not completely happy, mode. Try it! :)

Besides, one of my biggest idols in life (Steve Jobs) also said, "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life." Word, yo! By the way, I cut my hair even shorter today! Can't wait to show you guys! :)


  1. wow,new style,punk with a girly girl on the side,love your mullet skirt

  2. Cguro aliw na aliw yung kadate mo sayo kakakuha ng picture!!

  3. Around how much is the black studded boots from SM Parisian? Love the whole outfit :)
